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Kehilla's 2023 High Holy Day Childcare Registration

Childcare (non-licensed) is open to children ages 4-10. Supervised children are also welcome to be in services. 

Childcare will run from fifteen minutes before the service starts, through to the end of the service. Please be sure to pick up your child promptly at the end of the service. Parents must remain on site while their child is in our care. 

We need a minimum of 4 children signed up to offer childcare at each service, so there is a deadline by which to sign up for each service.

Erev Rosh Hashanah: sign up by Monday, Sept 11 at 12pm.

Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur: sign up by Monday, Sept 18 at 12pm.

If we don't meet the minimum for a service you've signed up for, you'll be refunded for that service. 
Please write n/a if your family won't be using phones. 

Childcare is on a sliding scale.
$20-40 per service for your first child
$10-20 per service for each additional child

If this scale is cost prohibitive, please enter what you are able to pay in the total below
Wed, October 9 2024 7 Tishrei 5785